The 5 Biggest Myths in AI Recruiting

May 28, 2024
The 5 Biggest Myths in AI Recruiting

Think AI recruiting is impossible in 2024? (Think again)

This dramatic ebook will radically transform your antiquated assumptions.

Myth 1 – There is an AI talent shortage

Hold your horses! Supply is rising to meet demand.

Sure, AI skills are hotter than Drake’s new album. But data shows AI-related grads are up a whopping 36% globally since 2019 (WEF, 2022). So don’t freak out about some mythical talent shortage. There are scores of untapped AI experts out there if you know where to look.

Creative sourcing tips? Glad you asked! Try prowling top AI Github repos for rising stars. Network at niche AI conferences – mobility and healthcare are untapped goldmines. And don’t just post jobs and pray. Nurture talent pipelines proactively on LinkedIn. The possibilities are endless for resourceful recruiters!

Myth 2 – AI talent is too expensive

Money can’t buy you love…or AI talent!

With average AI salaries ballooning to $155K (Infoworld, 2023), recruiting on compensation alone is a rookie mistake. Take a page from AmEx’s playbook and sell growth opportunities over pay (Forbes, 2022). Top talent craves meaty challenges, not just greenbacks.

And work with specialist recruiters to find cost-optimized hidden gems. An expert recruiting partner is like having Tony Robbins optimize your hiring process!

Myth 3 AI talent only wants Big Tech Big Tech?

Kryptonite for AI rockstars!

LinkedIn data shows 60% of talent is open to non-tech firms (LinkedIn, 2022). AI whizzes want complex problems, not ping-pong tables. And don’t forget about learning opportunities. Experts like mastering new domains – highlight that medical AI solves real-world problems!

The bottom line? Craft killer branding around societal impact over office perks. You’ll have talent banging down your doors!

Myth 4 – There is no qualified AI talent Say what?

AI skills are proliferating rapidly!

Relevant certificates are up a staggering 128% since 2020 (Udacity, 2022). With programs from Udacity to YouTube, AI-curious minds have access to stellar education.

Forget fancy credentials. Assess hands-on skills with case studies and demo projects (Medium, 2021). Google doesn’t care where you went to school – just whether you can code cutting-edge AI systems blindfolded.

Myth 5 In-house recruiting is more efficient

Don’t buy into this myth! Leveraging experts pays dividends.

Research shows partners slash time-to-fill by 43% (HBR, 2021). Why? External recruiters offset your team’s learning curve. And they cut costs by 20% with specialized sourcing skills (Recruiter, 2022).

In today’s competitive market, going it alone in AI recruiting is

Key Takeaways:

  • Supply boom underway
  • Sell growth opportunities
  • Impact and learning attract talent Assess hands-on skills
  • Recruiting partners deliver results

The bottom line?

With the right strategies, AI recruiting can be a breeze!
Debunk those myths and start connecting with world-class AI talent today.

The future won’t wait – will you? Dear Reader,

Thank you for taking the time to explore this guide. We hope it has provided you with valuable insights into the world of AI recruitment and the unique value proposition of Focus GTS.

As the AI revolution continues to transform the business landscape, securing top-tier AI talent is more critical than ever. At Focus GTS,
we’re committed to helping you navigate

this complex landscape and secure the talent you need to drive your AI initiatives forward.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about how Focus GTS can help your business, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re always here to help.

You can contact us at:


Focus Global Talent Solutions | P.O. Box 530856, Miami Shores, FL 33153